General Sex Ed — Abortion

A Lesson on Cycle Tracking

Posted by Javay da BAE. on

A Lesson on Cycle Tracking
For many people with menstrual cycles we were never taught how to understand them. Cycle tracking is a practice that can offer great insight into menstrual cycles and though there are apps that can do the work for us, knowing the how-tos on our own makes a world of a difference. This article gives you a crash course in cycle tracking that all middle school sex ed classes should have had on the same day as the period lesson.

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Supporting a Loved One During an Abortion

Posted by Javay da BAE. on

Supporting a Loved One During an Abortion

More than likely you know someone who has had an abortion, but there is little out there on how to support someone going through an abortion. Regardless of where they stand on getting an abortion, the reasons they are getting one, or the type of abortion they are having they more than likely will need your support. Here are some ways you can emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually support a loved one during an abortion. Offer to help with researching options It can be extremely overwhelming to try and understand all the steps of getting an abortion. Offer to help...

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